Saturday, May 07, 2005


Blogs have been around for awhile now. It is yet another product of the changing times, trends, and what-have-yous. The Doogie Howser entries of yesterday. The young techie' s journal of today.

I have always found my friends' blogs to be amusing, accessible (for being instantly updated with their lives) and personal. Very personal. Oh and did I mention personal? I mean it's like reading someone's diary; one's thoughts, opinions, rants, raves, even mischievous undoings; a person's life, literally, unraveling in front of my eyes. Sometimes it even feels invasive. But it was their choice of wanting to have it online for the internet-literal-world to see. I often wonder why they do it, why for the love of ---, why? Why expose your life, your thoughts to the public? Why have it out there for others (friends and even strangers) to witness, criticize, ridicule? Disillusion. Insanity.

On the other hand, I imagine feeling the freedom of putting words 'out there'. Like writing a novel.

Somehow setting the soul free.

So, to my soul, here's one for you. Kudos! Let the blogging begin...


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