Friday, June 23, 2006


Last night a good friend told me: Give your heart to God and you will never be heartbroken.

My thoughts: Ouch. That hit me. Hard. She's right. So right. Beyond words.

Again, Good friend says: Aren't you excited?
Me: About what?
G.f.: For the next the thing to happen to you, for the next love of your life, for tomorrow?
Me: I was. But lately I've become so jaded with life. Right now, it's hard to see beyond tomorrow.
G.f.: Well you should. Cos I'm excited for you.
Me thinking... Well, actually, I didn't know what to think at that moment... Even to this minute, it's kinda hard to answer a simple question like: "How are you?". The mind is still messed up but I've managed to keep my composure and sanity in tact. Shopping has helped to ease the tension but only to a slight degree. Vanity has become a sport for me. I hate it but I love it at the same time. But not to fret, I ain't turning into a shallow little airhead. You can bet on it.

1:14am. I'm off to friday gimmick night or what's left of it.


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