Tuesday, June 27, 2006

So Sic

Hate being sick. Wanna go home na. Feel so tired. (cough cough sniffy sniff) Late nights. Working at home. Darn weather. Stress. Even my skin is acting up. First time since college that I've been going to the derma on a weekly basis. I'm betting on two more visits will get me back in shape. Sigh. Sigh. One more. Sigh.

What keeps me sane? a. Being excited over what to wear everyday. Keeps my creative juices flowing. Trivial? Maybe. But it works for me. b. Reading books. c. Wex. d. My good.. no, great friends. Their generosity keeps humbling and surprising me each and everyday. I am so thankful. e. Prayers. f. Gary V and Sitti Navarro. g. My mom. My inspiration and source of strength. h. My cousins and titos and titas. Makes me really proud to be one of them. They are wonderful people, each and every one of them. I've really been blessed with so much.

Now, what was I worrying about awhile ago? Ah yes, work, the flu and a little sadness. Doesn't seem so big right now. Ouch still hurts but I'm fighting to keep on living up.

Oprah once said to list at least five things that you are grateful about each day. It really works. Try it.


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